Documentation Mercado Libre
Check out all the necessary information about APIs Mercado Libre.
Best practices for listing items
This document is intended as a guide to good practice when posting an item on Mercado Libre. We recommend following this document, in order to have quality items, improving the exposure of these to buyers and avoiding moderations or failures. See how to create effective listings in Mercado Libre.
Also remember that you can visit the Seller Learning Center where you can find more information and relevant tips to selling on Mercado Libre.
A good title
For the category predictor to work properly, the item title must be clear and precise with the following recommendations, remember that the title must always be entered in English.
It is essential to formulate the titles in a clear way and avoid repetitions that may confuse the buyer. The structure should be simple: product + brand + model + some specifications that help identify the product.
For example:
- Cell phone iPhone 6s 64gb 2gb RAM Free
- Short sleeve polo shirt Lacoste Striped Blue and white slim fit
- Microwave Grill BGH Quick Chef B223D silver 23L 220V
Note that you will not be able to change the title if you have already made a sale.
Use quality photos
The photos of the item are very important, it is recommended to use a maximum of 10 main photos with white background. See tips for the photos of your listing.
Use product variations to improve the quality of the publication of the product. Mercado Libre recommends that the maximum possible combinations of variations per product should be 100 variations per item.
This number facilitates the maintenance of stock, the updating of the offer window, improves the seller's experience when buying, and allows the response time when using our apis to be optimal. Learn to enter variation.