Documentation Mercado Libre
Check out all the necessary information about APIs Mercado Libre.
Create application
- Enter and login at Global Selling Developers
- Create new application
- Setting application
- Configuration and permissions
- Notification configuration
- Accepts terms and conditions
Here you must complete the basic information application.
Name: your application name. 50 characters long maximum and unique to this site.
Short name: name Mercado Libre will use to generate your application URL. 50 characters long maximum, including numbers, letters and underscore.
Description: in 150 characters maximum describe what your application is about.
Logo: PNG format of 400x400 pixels less than 100kb. We suggest that your logo be on a white background.
Redirect URI: URL user will be redirected to once authenticated. The address should contain https://. It's mandatory to use HTTPS protocol in your redirect URI to ensure that the message is sent encrypted and to people with reading permission only. If you are still using HTTP, please set up the new URL with HTTPS.
PKCE: Allows a second check to avoid authorization code injection attacks, CSRF and generate an access token. At the moment, we don't recommend check it.
Scopes: permissions granted.
Read: Allows to use API GET HTTP methods. Application with only read scope allows an anonymous or authenticated user to get customized information from MELI. In this case an anonymous user might search for items, look at descriptions, etc, and an authenticated user may look at personal information. If no modification is made to the data on MELI (no user information update, no item listing, no item buying), all you need is a read scope. Note that any attempt to modify data through MELI APIs would get an error.
Write: Allows to use API PUT, POST and DELETE HTTP methods. Application with read and write online scopes allows an anonymous user to carry out certain read-only operations on MELI, as well as an authenticated user to modify data, list new items (sell), post orders (buy), and so on. In this case the application requires a write scope so that the user can grant write permissions for the app to act on his behalf. The application will be able to modify data on behalf of the user while the access token remains valid. Once it has expired, the user needs to renew the token to regain access.
Offline Access: Allows to make request server side and refresh token. Application with read and write offline scopes needs to act on behalf of the user even when the user is offline, it will require offline-access permission by the user. By requesting this scope, upon acceptance by the user, the app will have both the access token to act on behalf of the user and a refresh token to get a new valid access token once the previous one has expired.
Topics: list of topics you want to subscribe to receive notifications about changes on APIs. There are more than ten possible topics: marketplace orders, items, marketplace items, marketplace questions, marketplace messages and marketplace claims. See more about Notifications.
Callback URL Notifications: URL to return users to your app after they grant access. Configure the public URL of your domain where you want to receive the notifications on the different topics.
¡Good! you will be redirected to My Applications. There you will have your application created with the name of application and app id.