Documentation Mercado Libre
Check out all the necessary information about APIs Mercado Libre.
Category predictor
Get a Category prediction
Make a GET request with a product title (in english) to predict one article at a time, recognize the category_id and the required attributes to list a product. Keep in mind that the answer will be made up of a list of predictions from the provided title, the first being the one with the highest prediction accuracy.
Mandatory parameter
q: the title of the product to be predicted, must be completely in english language.
curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -X GET$Q
curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -X GET
"domain_id": "CBT-CELLPHONE_COVERS",
"domain_name": "Cellphone covers",
"category_id": "CBT5337",
"category_name": "Mobile Cases",
"attributes": []
Response fields
domain_id: ID of the predicted domain.
domain_name: name of the predicted domain.
category_id: ID of the predicted category.
category_name: name of the predicted category.
attributes: list of attributes for the predicted category.
Categories by site
curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -X GET
"name":"Animals and Pets"
"name":"Antiques and Collectibles"
"name":"Art, Craft and School Supplies"
"name":"Beauty and Personal Care"
"name":"Books, Magazines and Comics"
"name":"Cameras and Accessories"
"name":"Cars, Motorcycles and Others"
"name":"Cell Phones and Phones"
"name":"Clothing and Accessories"
"name":"Consoles and Video Games"
"name":"Electronics, Audio and Video"
"name":"Food and Drinks"
"name":"Games and Toys"
"name":"Health and Health Supplies"
"name":"Home, Furniture and Garden"
"name":"Industries and Offices"
"name":"Jewels and Watches"
"name":"Music, Movies and Series"
"name":"Musical Instruments"
"name":"Real Estate"
"name":"Souvenirs, Favours and Parties"
"name":"Sports and Fitness"
"name":"Tools and Construction"
"name":"Vehicle Accessories"
"name":"Other categories"
For a second level categories, or information related to specific categories, you have to use the Categories resource, sending the category Id as a URL parameter. The next example shows the “Beauty and Personal Care" category:
curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -X GET
"id": "CBT1246",
"name": "Beauty and Personal Care",
"picture": "",
"permalink": null,
"total_items_in_this_category": 0,
"path_from_root": [
"id": "CBT1246",
"name": "Beauty and Personal Care"
"children_categories": [
"id": "CBT417575",
"name": "Beard & Mustache Care",
"total_items_in_this_category": 0
"id": "CBT417770",
"name": "Beauty Treatments",
"total_items_in_this_category": 0
"id": "CBT29884",
"name": "Foot, Hand & Nail Care",
"total_items_in_this_category": 0
"id": "CBT455174",
"name": "Hair & Styling Appliances",
"total_items_in_this_category": 0
"id": "CBT1263",
"name": "Hair Care",
"total_items_in_this_category": 0
"id": "CBT43673",
"name": "Hair Removal",
"total_items_in_this_category": 0
"id": "CBT431642",
"name": "Hair Salon Listings",
"total_items_in_this_category": 0
"id": "CBT1248",
"name": "Makeup",
"total_items_in_this_category": 0
"id": "CBT1275",
"name": "Other",
"total_items_in_this_category": 0
"id": "CBT454712",
"name": "Perfumes & Fragrances",
"total_items_in_this_category": 0
"id": "CBT393366",
"name": "Personal Care",
"total_items_in_this_category": 0
"id": "CBT431646",
"name": "Pharmacy",
"total_items_in_this_category": 0
"id": "CBT1253",
"name": "Skin Care",
"total_items_in_this_category": 0
"attribute_types": "attributes",
"settings": {
"adult_content": false,
"buying_allowed": true,
"buying_modes": [
"coverage_areas": "not_allowed",
"currencies": [
"fragile": false,
"immediate_payment": "required",
"item_conditions": [
"items_reviews_allowed": false,
"listing_allowed": false,
"max_description_length": 50000,
"max_pictures_per_item": 12,
"max_pictures_per_item_var": 10,
"max_sub_title_length": 70,
"max_title_length": 60,
"max_variations_allowed": 100,
"maximum_price": null,
"maximum_price_currency": "USD",
"minimum_price": 1,
"minimum_price_currency": "USD",
"mirror_category": null,
"mirror_master_category": null,
"mirror_slave_categories": [
"price": "required",
"reservation_allowed": "not_allowed",
"restrictions": [
"rounded_address": false,
"seller_contact": "not_allowed",
"shipping_options": [
"shipping_profile": "optional",
"show_contact_information": false,
"simple_shipping": "optional",
"stock": "required",
"sub_vertical": "health_beauty",
"subscribable": false,
"tags": [
"vertical": "consumer_goods",
"vip_subdomain": "articulo",
"buyer_protection_programs": null,
"status": "enabled"
"channels_settings": [
"channel": "mp-merchants",
"settings": {
"buying_modes": [
"immediate_payment": "required",
"minimum_price": 1,
"status": "enabled"
"meta_categ_id": null,
"attributable": false,
"date_created": "2018-04-25T08:12:56.000Z"
As you can see, you get the “path_from_root” and children_categories attributes. Use these attributes to browse through the category tree and find the specific category for your item.
Categories JSON
Make a request to a specific category will allow you to know the information and specific description of it. Below you will find the description of some of these attributes.
curl -X GET
"name":"Clothing and Accessories"
"name":"Baby Clothes & Shoes"
Path from root
When you are in a category you can know the path from root to the category selected. Take a look how Mercado Libre uses this path to show the item’s category:
Download categories
Finally and in case of not being able to use the Category Predictor, you can download the category tree.