Documentation Mercado Libre

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Last update 24/01/2025

Multi-marketplace tool

This API is only available for logistic type remote.

Introducing our latest tool, designed to simplify the selling experience of your sellers across different marketplaces. Our tool analyzes the performance of your seller´s listing on a particular marketplace and then generates recommendations for publishing the same listing on other sites where it is not yet listed. This allows you to expand your exposure and increase your chances of making a sale. Additionally, you can customize your preferences according to your needs. See more about Multi-marketplace tool.


  • There is no need to look for products in each marketplace of operation. Our system automatically refreshes a list with eligible products for you to review.
  • The tool will indicate a suggested price per country based on the current listing price, shipping fee, and selling fee.
  • You’ll be able to review where your products are listed, their current price, and how many you’ve sold.
  • Once the listing request is submitted, soon you’ll be able to find your items in the listings section of the marketplace that you chose.
  • The suggested price on the destination sites will keep your net profits.

Restrictions for suggesting item

  • Reputation is orange or red.
  • Items exceed the price allowed on the destination site.
  • Items belong to a category not allowed on this site.

Get suggestions

Get suggestions from a seller previously analyzed by Mercado Libre. Learn more about how do we calculate the net price of your top-performing items on other sites.

Optional parameters

  • origin: site_id from which the suggestion is generated. one or all the following values, separated by comma (,): MLM (México), MLB (Brazil), MLC (Chile), MCO (Colombia).
  • destination: site_id where you want to publish the item. One or all the following values, separated by comma (,): MLM (México), MLB (Brazil), MLC (Chile), MCO (Colombia).
  • limit: Maximum number of results per request. Accepts greater than or equal to 25.
  • offset: Change the lower limit of the results block. For example, if you are interested in recovering the 50 elements that follow the predetermined response.


curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -X GET$SITE_ID&destination=$SITE_ID&limit=LIMIT&offset=OFFSET

Basic request

curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -X GET

Full filters request:

curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -X GET,MLB,MLC&destination=MLM,MLB,MLC&limit=25&offset=0


    "id": "CBT1534535475",
    "title": "Test item Do Not Buy It, Virtual Assistants Charcoal",
    "suggestions": [
        "site_id": "MCO",
        "price": 11.00,
        "logistic_type": "remote"
        "site_id": "MLC",
        "price": 12.00,
        "logistic": "remote"
    "id": "CBT324526635",
    "title": "Test item awesome green dress",
    "suggestions": [
        "site_id": "MLB",
        "price": 14.00,
        "logistic": "remote"
        "site_id": "MLM",
        "price": 12.00,
        "logistic": "remote"

Response fields

For each item in the response list:

  • ID: global item id.
  • Title: global item title.
  • Suggestions: active suggestions based on which new marketplace items associated with a CBT item can be created.

For each suggestion in the list of suggestions:

  • suggestions.site_id: suggested site to publish the new item.
  • suggestions.price: suggested price in dollars. On the destination sites will keep your net profits. You can change it if you want.
  • suggestions.logistic_type: logistics of the item to be published. You cannot change it.

Create suggested items

From the publication suggestions, massively execute your publications taking the received suggestions. Unlike the API to publish marketplace items, with the following endpoint you can only publish from active suggestions, this resource return and processID, it will be used to get status of publish process. This request is exactly the same as from get suggestions resource, you can send a complete get suggestions response as body, including the title it will be ignored.


curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -X POST
      "id": "CBT1534535475",
      "suggestions": [
          "site_id": "MCO",
          "price": 11.00,
          "logistic_type": "remote"
          "site_id": "MLC",
          "price": 12.00,
          "logistic_type": "remote"
      "id": "CBT14741241",
      "suggestions": [
          "site_id": "MLC",
          "price": 14.00,
          "logistic_type": "remote"
          "site_id": "MLC",
          "price": 15.00,
          "logistic_type": "remote"



Next, you can know more details about the status of the process.


Http code Error Message Description
400 ID xlaunch config ids [Global item id] not found The global item id is not available for multi-marketplace tools.
400 suggestions.site_id
there is not active suggestions for [Global item id] The suggestions data includes site or logistic where there is not an active suggestion.
400 array body global items quantity exceed max allowed per request The global items with active suggestions exceed max allowed, max allow may vary, refer to the documentation.
400 array body
check request body for [Global item ID] Some suggestions present in the request do not have a valid price or a valid site id or a valid logistic type.
400 array body request is empty Request body must have valid suggestion elements.

Listing process status

You will get as a response the publication processes in progress and the information available on the publication processes is temporary, it will be available only for 7 days.


curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'


  "processes": [
      "id": "50da0d6a-8687-4964-be6d-9f97dd1839c0",
      "status": "in_progress",
      "process_date": "2003-04-17T12:33:37.294287-05:00"
      "id": "db4338bb-3859-497d-a447-2dde5c5b51f7",
      "status": "done",
      "process_date": "1981-04-20T12:33:37.294287-05:00"

Response fields

  • identifier of a specific process, after one request of marketplace items creation you received this id.
  • processes.status: the status of the one specific process, if at least one marketplace creation is in status “in_progress” the process will have set status as “in_progress”
  • processes.process_date: the date when the process was launched.


Http code Error Message Description
404 process there are no publishing processes running The user has not publishing processes running

Listing process status detail

You will get as a response the publication processes in progress for a specific process id.


curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'{processID}


     "id": "112ebe6d-13cc-496a-a22b-e28607aff1d8",
     "status": "done",
     "process_date": "2023-04-20T18:28:16.274864607-04:00",
     "global_items": [
               "id": "CBT1598143049",
               "marketplace_items": [
                         "item_id": "MLC239845623",
                         "site_id": "MLC",
                         "logistic_type": "remote",
                         "status": "successful",
                         "price": 666

Response fields

  • id: identifier of a specific process, after one request of marketplace items creation you received this id.
  • status: the status of the one specific process, if at least one marketplace creation is in status “in_progress” the process will have set status as “in_progress”.
  • process_date: the date when the process was launched.
  • global_items: array that contains data about global items with marketplace items being created.
  • global item identifier.
  • global_items.marketplace_items: array that contains data about marketplace items that are being created.
  • global_items.marketplace_items.item_id: Item id of new marketplace item after a successful creation, if creation was not possible will be not present in the response.
  • global_items.marketplace_items.site_id: local site where marketplace item is being created.
  • global_items.marketplace_items.status creation status, the possible values are:
    • in_progress the creation is running.
    • successful when the marketplace creation finishes ok.
    • error when marketplace creation was not possible.

  • global_items.marketplace_items.price: the price with marketplace item was created, if cretation finishes in error this field will not be present.
  • global_items.marketplace_items.reasons: Is an Array that contains reasons (strings) because marketplace items cannot be created, if the creation ends successful this field will not be present in the response.
  • Error

    Http code Error Message Description
    404 process there are no publishing processes running The user has not publishing processes running

    Automatic listing

    Know the current configuration of the automatic listing process. If you want, you can activate and deactivate it.


    curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'


      "config": [
                "site_id": "MLM",
                "logistic_type": "remote",
                "enabled": false
                "site_id": "MLC",
                "logistic_type": "remote",
                "enabled": false
                "site_id": "MLB",
                "logistic_type": "remote",
                "enabled": false
                "site_id": "MCO",
                "logistic_type": "remote",
                "enabled": false

    Response fields

    • site_id: marketplace site.
    • logistic_type: logistics that applies the configuration.
    • enabled: indicates whether the automatic listing is active or not.

    Activate and deactivate automatic multi-marketplace tool

    If you want, you can activate it in Global Selling.


    curl -X PUT -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'
              "config": [
               	"site_id": "MLM",
                   "logistic_type": "remote",
                   "enabled": true
                   "site_id": "MLC",
                   "logistic_type": "remote",
                   "enabled": false


    Http code Error Message Description
    400 [Site id] is not active The site id is not active for this user

    Validate unrealized suggestions

    You will know the different reasons why a suggestion could not be carried out. In this way, you know the reason why an item cannot be published in multi-marketplaces, for example by rules of origin or destination.


    curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'


        "id": "CBT1534535475",
        "title": "Test item Do Not Buy It, Virtual Assistants Charcoal",
        "to_validate": [
            "site_id": "MCO",
            "logistic_type": "remote",
            "reasons": [
              "Listing cap no valid.",
              "Listing category not valid"
            "site_id": "MLC",
            "logistic_type": "remote",
            "reasons": [
              "Listing cap no valid."
        "id": "CBT324526635",
        "title": "Test item awesome green dress",
        "to_validate": [
            "site_id": "MLB",
            "logistic_type": "remote",
            "reasons": [
              "Listing price not valid"
            "site_id": "MLM",
            "logistic_type": "remote",
            "reasons": [
              "Listing price not valid"

    Response fields

    • id: global item ID.
    • title: global item title.
    • to_validate: array with report of unrealized suggestions on different marketplace items.
    • to_validate.reasons: reasons why the rules of origin, destination or price validation have not been overcome.
    • to_validate.site_id: site_id where the rules of origin, destination or validation are not overcome.
    • to_validate.logistic_type: logistics where validation rules are not approved.