Documentation Mercado Libre
Check out all the necessary information about APIs Mercado Libre.
Catalog eligibility
Identify an eligible publication for catalogue
It is important that before publishing, you recognize which publications created are eligible or can be published in the catalog. For this, you can use the catalog_listing_eligible tag and recognize the posts easily or opt for the eligibility resources of a post or the multiget to verify a set of posts.
Filter items
This filter will differentiate between catalog and marketplace (or general) publications. For that, you must use the catalog_listing parameter in the search with the value true or false, depending on what you want to consult.
First, we identify all the catalog items of a seller. Keep in mind that you must pass the corresponding status parameter in case you want to add a filter such as status="active".
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$USER_ID/items/search?catalog_listing=true
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'
Catalog items short response:
"orders":[ ],
"available_orders":[ ]
Also, you can use the same filter to identify all the seller´s non-catalog items.
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$USER_ID/items/search?catalog_listing=false
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'
Marketplace items´ short response:
"orders":[ ],
"available_orders":[ ]
Eligibility tag for items
Through the search resource, you will be able to identify all the items of the sellers that are eligible for the catalog with the catalog_listing_eligible tag and that are not yet participating in it. Make the following request to consult them:
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$USER_ID/items/search?tags=catalog_listing_eligible
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'
Short response:
"seller_id": "123456987",
"query": null,
"paging": {
"limit": 50,
"offset": 0,
"total": 1
"results": [
"orders": [ ],
"available_orders": [ ]
The search response returns all seller's items with the catalog_listing_eligible tag.
Eligible item example:
"title":"Test item, please don’t buy --kc:off",
"sale_terms":[ ],
"pictures":[ ],
"descriptions":[ ],
"non_mercado_pago_payment_methods":[ ],
"shipping":{ },
"seller_address":{ },
"location":{ },
"geolocation":{ },
"coverage_areas":[ ],
"attributes":[ ],
"warnings":[ ],
"variations":[ ],
"sub_status":[ ],
"deal_ids":[ ],
Validate eligibility to catalog
The following examples show how to validate the eligibility of an existing publication to link to a new catalog publication with synchronized stock that has an associated catalog_product_id.
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$ITEM_ID/catalog_listing_eligibility
Example with variations:
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'
"id": "CBT123456789",
"site_id": "CBT",
"domain_id": "CBT-CELLPHONES",
"buy_box_eligible": true,
"reason": null,
"status": "READY_FOR_OPTIN",
"variations": [ ],
"site_items": [
"id": "MLM856092927",
"site_id": "MLM",
"domain_id": "MLM-CELLPHONES",
"buy_box_eligible": false,
"reason": "item_catalog_product_id_null",
"variations": [ ],
"site_items": [ ]
"id": "MLM856092926",
"site_id": "MLM",
"domain_id": "MLM-CELLPHONES",
"buy_box_eligible": true,
"reason": null,
"status": "READY_FOR_OPTIN",
"variations": [
"id": 1312323,
"status": "READY_FOR_OPTIN",
"buy_box_eligible": true
"id": 1312444,
"status": "READY_FOR_OPTIN",
"buy_box_eligible": true
"site_items": [ ]
Example without variations:
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'
"id": "CBT1234",
"site_id": "CBT",
"domain_id": "CBT-CELLPHONES",
"buy_box_eligible": true,
"reason": null,
"status": "READY_FOR_OPTIN",
"variations": [ ],
"site_items": [
"id": "MLM321",
"site_id": "MLM",
"domain_id": "MLM-CELLPHONES",
"buy_box_eligible": false,
"reason": "item_catalog_product_id_null",
"variations": [ ],
"site_items": [ ]
"id": "MLM322",
"site_id": "MLM",
"domain_id": "MLM-CELLPHONES",
"buy_box_eligible": true,
"reason": null,
"status": "READY_FOR_OPTIN",
"variations": [ ],
"site_items": [ ]
- If the item does not have variations, the eligibility will be expressed through the first level buy_box_eligible field in the json of the response and the variations section will be empty.
- If the item has variations, the eligibility of each of them will be expressed within the variations section, which will contain an array per variation with a buy_box_eligible field for each of them.
Description of fields
id: ID of the publication we are consulting.
site_id: ID of the site to which the item belongs.
domain_id: ID of the domain to which the item belongs.
buy_box_eligible: indicates whether the item/variation is enabled or not to participate in the catalog.
variations: are all the variations that an item has. Each one will have associated a status and a value for the buy_box_eligible field.
status: defines the situation of the traditional item with respect to the catalog. The different states may be:
- READY_FOR_OPTIN: the item can be published in the catalog.
Not eligible:
- ALREADY_OPTED_IN: the traditional item being queried already has an associated catalog item.
- CLOSED: the item is in a condition that can no longer be sold.
- PRODUCT_INACTIVE: the item is associated with a product that has not yet been catalog-enabled or the item does not yet have a catalog_product_id assigned.
- NOT_ELIGIBLE: There is a business rule that prevents the item from applying to the catalog. (ex: a used cellphone, a cellphone without releasing).
If you query for a competing catalog item, the status will be COMPETING.
Multiple publications
To check if multiple publications are eligible for catalog, make a single request. You must incorporate the ids parameter in the url, in addition to request the multiget resource, as follows:
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$ITEM_ID,$ITEM_ID
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN',CBT820167922
"code": 200,
"body": {
"id": "CBT123456",
"site_id": "CBT",
"domain_id": "CBT-CELLPHONES",
"buy_box_eligible": true,
"reason": null,
"status": "READY_FOR_OPTIN",
"variations": [ ],
"site_items": [
"id": "MLM123456",
"site_id": "MLM",
"domain_id": "MLM-CELLPHONES",
"buy_box_eligible": false,
"reason": "item_catalog_product_id_null",
"variations": [ ],
"site_items": [ ]
"id": "MLM123457",
"site_id": "MLM",
"domain_id": "MLM-CELLPHONES",
"buy_box_eligible": true,
"reason": null,
"status": "READY_FOR_OPTIN",
"variations": [ ],
"site_items": [ ]
"code": 200,
"body": {
"id": "CBT123457",
"site_id": "CBT",
"domain_id": "CBT-CELLPHONES",
"buy_box_eligible": true,
"reason": null,
"status": "READY_FOR_OPTIN",
"variations": [ ],
"site_items": [
"id": "MLM1234568",
"site_id": "MLM",
"domain_id": "MLM-CELLPHONES",
"buy_box_eligible": false,
"reason": "item_catalog_product_id_null",
"variations": [ ],
"site_items": [ ]
"id": "MLM1234569",
"site_id": "MLM",
"domain_id": "MLM-CELLPHONES",
"buy_box_eligible": true,
"reason": null,
"status": "READY_FOR_OPTIN",
"variations": [ ],
"site_items": [ ]
Response fields
code: it´s the HTTP status code that the query returns with each item_id, if there is no error it must be 200.
body: body of the message that returns this request to the eligibility API.
Next: Product search.