Documentation Mercado Libre

Check out all the necessary information about APIs Mercado Libre.
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Last update 28/01/2025
Important Announcement: Replacement of Current API Section
We are excited to announce that a new API for creating Global Selling items items is now available. This new functionality allows you to create both global and local items in a single step, simplifying the publication process significantly.

If you are starting a new development, we strongly recommend using the new API and the associated information to ensure a smooth integration.

For those who already have ongoing development, it would be prudent to continue using the existing documentation and plan for a migration to this new publishing method in the near future.

Take advantage of this improvement and optimize your experience with Global Selling!

Create Global item

The items are created in Global Selling (CBT site) and then can be listed in the marketplaces of Mercado Libre that the seller has enabled. Make the next request POST with an access_token. Also, you can learn more Items specifications. The listing quota per site is 10.000 per day.


curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -X POST


curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -X POST 
   "title":"Test Item - for LoadTest tests",
   "warranty":"1 year",
         "value_name":"90 days"
         "value_name":"10 cm"
         "value_name":"10 cm"
         "value_name":"10 cm"
         "value_name":"0.7 lb"
         "name":"Item condition",
         "value_name":"7 M US Women / 5.5 M US Men",
         "name":"Universal product code",
         "tooltip":"How do I recognize it? It is an 8 to 14 digit number next to the barcode, on the product box or on its label.\n\n![Universal product code](",
For the Global Selling items, the site_id must be “CBT”. The currency_id must be USD and the content must be in English.

Modify Global item details

With this resource you may modify Global Selling items on the site where the user requires it.


id: It is the Global Selling item identifier, which is created through a call to the local API.

curl -X PUT -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' 
  -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
    "site_id": "MLM",
    "logistic_type": "remote",
    "price": 1,


        "action": "POST",
        "item_id": "MLM111111",
        "parent_id": "CBT1234",
        "logistic_type": "remote",
        "site_id": "MLM",
        "errors": null


Starting September 2, 2024, we will disable the option to include YouTube videos in listings.
We expect to offer the Clips functionality through the API soon. In the meantime, we recommend that sellers with a green or higher reputation migrate their YouTube videos to Clips.
Error Error message Description Possible solution
item.start_time.invalid Start time $startTime is only updateable in NOT_YET_ACTIVE ítems. Field start time cannot be updated. The parameter start_time can only be updated if the item status is NOT_YET_ACTIVE
item.category_id.invalid Category $categoryId does not exist. Category not found. To see the available categories check the page/sites/$siteId (Check $sideId).
item.category_id.invalid Is not allowed to post in category $categoryId. Make sure you’re posting in a leaf category. $category.listing_allowed false. Before post an item, make sure it is allowed to post in the chosen category, see the parameter listing_allowed on /categories/$categoryId.
item.buying_mode.invalid Category $categoryId only supports listing modes: $category.buyingModes. $item.buying_modes is invalid. To see the available listing modes in category check the page /categories/$categoryId in parameter settings:{buying_modes:[…]}.
The attributes $requiredAttributeIds are required for category $item.categoryId. Check the attribute is present in the attributes list or in all variation attributes combination. Category is required atribute. To see the attributes mandatory on this category check the page /categories/$categoryId/attributes in parameter {tags:{required:{true}}}.
item.listing_type_id.invalid Invalid listing_type_id. $item.listing_type_id is invalid. To see the available listing types in category check the page /categories/$categoryId/listing_types.
Pictures are mandatory for listing type $item.listingTypeId. Pictures is required. To see if the pictures is mandatory in category check the page /categories/$categoryId/
listing_types/silver in parameter requires_picture:{}.
item.site_id.invalid Site $item.siteId doesn’t exist. $item.site_id is invalid. To the available sites, see the page /sites.
item.description.max The description field is too long. More than $maxSize characters is not allowed. Number of characters exceeded. The number of characters in description must be less then 50000 characters. Items in category $item.categoryId cannot exceeds $maxPicturesPerItem pictures. Number of images exceeded. To see the quantity of pictures per item in category check the page /categories/$categoryId in parametermax_pictures_per_item:{}.
item.video_id.dropped Item video id was dropped. Youtube videos are not longer supported Not applicable.
Invalid value length for attribute $it.attributeId. Maximum length is ${attribute.value_max_length}. To see the attributes max_length on this attribute check the page /categories/$categoryId/attributes in parameter value_max_length for attributes with .value_type string or number.
seller.unable_to_list The seller cannot post. The seller cannot post for certain cause. Identify the “cause” field in the response. - Find out the meaning of “cause” under /users#options, set the status to list, and you will see the meaning.
- Try to make the first manual posting from My Account in Mercado Libre to see the warnings in the flow.

Next: Marketplace items.