Documentation Mercado Libre

Check out all the necessary information about APIs Mercado Libre.
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Last update 24/11/2023

Catalog listing

List from an existing publication (optin)

At first, we recommend you validate that your existing publication is eligible for catalog, then get the active catalog_product_id from children product, using the product search resource and checking correspond it exactly to product that you will list, you will be able to create the catalog listing with a POST to /items/catalog_listings successfully.


In the domains where there is currently a catalog, their publications don´t allow variations because they are already associated with a specific product. So if your original listing had variations, you will have a catalog listing for each one.
The relevant information of your variations, such as the color of the item, will not be lost but will be reflected in the attributes of the catalog product. In the future, there may be domains where the product never fully specifies what is being sold, for example in clothing to size, and it is possible that variations are allowed. We will notify you when that happens.

If your existing item contains variations, you must make a POST for each one of them by sending the variation_id field in the body of the POST.

Example of an item with variations:

curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'
  "variation_id": 4321,

Example on an item without variations:

curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'

Short example of response to the creation of an item:


   "id": "CBT994524823",
   "site_id": "CBT",
   "title": "Samsung Galaxy S10+ - Black Prism - 128 Gb - 8 Gb",
   "subtitle": null,
   "seller_id": 694878795,
   "category_id": "CBT1055",
   "official_store_id": null,
   "price": 15.1,
   "base_price": 15.1,
   "original_price": null,
   "inventory_id": null,
   "currency_id": "USD",
   "initial_quantity": 100,
   "available_quantity": 100,
   "sold_quantity": 0,
   "sale_terms": [],
   "buying_mode": "buy_it_now",
   "listing_type_id": "gold_pro",
   "start_time": "2021-02-03T18:26:50.859Z",
   "stop_time": "2041-01-29T04:00:00.000Z",
   "end_time": "2041-01-29T04:00:00.000Z",
   "expiration_time": "2021-04-24T18:26:50.989Z",
   "condition": "new",
   "permalink": "",
   "pictures": [],
   "video_id": null,
   "descriptions": [],
   "accepts_mercadopago": true,
   "non_mercado_pago_payment_methods": [],
   "shipping": {
       "mode": "not_specified",
       "local_pick_up": false,
       "free_shipping": false,
       "methods": [],
       "dimensions": "9x19x19,500",
       "tags": [],
       "logistic_type": "not_specified",
       "store_pick_up": false
   "international_delivery_mode": "none",
   "seller_address": {},
   "seller_contact": null,
   "location": {},
   "geolocation": {
       "latitude": "",
       "longitude": ""
   "coverage_areas": [],
   "attributes": [],
   "warnings": [],
   "listing_source": "",
   "variations": [],
   "thumbnail_id": "998561-MLA43684142816_102020",
   "thumbnail": "",
   "secure_thumbnail": "",
   "status": "active",
   "sub_status": [],
   "tags": [],
   "warranty": "Factory warranty: 90 days",
   "catalog_product_id": "CBT14186099",
   "domain_id": "CBT-CELLPHONES",
   "seller_custom_field": null,
   "parent_item_id": null,
   "differential_pricing": null,
   "deal_ids": [],
   "automatic_relist": false,
   "date_created": "2021-02-03T18:26:52.183Z",
   "last_updated": "2021-02-03T18:26:52.183Z",
   "health": null,
   "catalog_listing": true,
   "item_relations": [
           "id": "CBT979951434",
           "variation_id": null,
           "stock_relation": 1

Also, remember:

  • If the item is sent without variations when it does, the response will be a 400 error.
  • The catalog_product_id field is required in the POST for items with or without variations.


Within the information of the marketplace product/publication you can find the array item_relations which will have the information of the relationship created between the item_id of the publication, with its respective variation, and the item_id of the catalog product created from it.

If the request to create a catalog product is sent without variations but the marketplace publication does have them, the response will be an error:

   "message": "Validation error",
   "error": "validation_error",
   "status": 400,
   "cause": [
           "department": "items",
           "cause_id": 216,
           "type": "error",
           "code": "item.variations.invalid",
           "references": [
           "message": "Item MLM1477978125 doesn't have a variation with id null"

The catalog_product_id field is required in the POST for marketplace publications, with or without variations.

   "message": "Validation error",
   "error": "validation_error",
   "status": 400,
   "cause": [
           "department": "items",
           "cause_id": 369,
           "type": "error",
           "code": "body.required_fields",
           "references": [
           "message": "The payload is missing the following properties: [catalog_product_id]"

If the marketplace publication is not productized, that is, it does not have the corresponding catalog_product_id field, the response will be an error:

   "message": "Validation error",
   "error": "validation_error",
   "status": 400,
   "cause": [
           "department": "items",
           "cause_id": 389,
           "type": "error",
           "code": "item.catalog_listing.not_eligible",
           "references": [
           "message": "Item cannot be catalog listing"

Synchronization of sale conditions

The synchronization of the sales conditions (such as price, logistics, stock, SKUs and PIs) of the marketplace publications associated with a catalog product will be automatic and with the following conditions:

The seller will not be able to remove the synchronization (opt-out).

New listings will be synced from the start.

Existing listings associated with a catalog product are synchronized when the seller modifies any of the conditions of sale of the original publication.

The synchronization will be from the first change, that is, if the seller modifies the catalog publication first, we will automatically update the marketplace publication, and vice versa.

Changes to both marketplace posts and catalog posts will be notified through the feed of items notifications.

Publish directly in catalog

It is not necessary to have a marketplace publication to publish in the catalog, direct publications can be made, for this you must use the catalog_product_id of an active catalog product.

By means of a GET to the /products/search API with the filter status:active you get the suggestion of products in the catalog where you can publish.

- The detail of the technical sheet of the catalog product is provided by Mercado Libre. Therefore, the seller is responsible for confirming that the product to be created matches the specific characteristics (technical sheet) of the "catalog_product_id".
- In the event that there is a difference between what the user buys and the associated product, it is possible that claims and/or cancellations will be generated that will have a negative impact on their reputation and as a consequence of this the disqualification from publishing in the catalog, eventually leading to account suspension.

When sending POST you must send the following values so that the catalog publication is created:

catalog_product_id: This value must be confirmed with the search/product API.

catalog_listing: It is required to send the value to true to generate the catalog item.

Only after successfully creating a global catalog item, you are able to create new marketplace catalogs items as usual using create marketplace items resource.


curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'


curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' 
-d '{
   "site_id": "CBT",
   "title": "TEST ITEM",
   "category_id": "CBT1055",
   "price": 20,
   "currency_id": "USD",
   "available_quantity": 10,
   "sale_terms": [
           "id": "WARRANTY_TIME",
           "name": "Warranty time",
           "value_id": null,
           "value_name": "4 months",
           "value_struct": {
               "number": 4,
               "unit": "months"
           "values": [
                   "id": null,
                   "name": "4 months",
                   "struct": {
                       "number": 4,
                       "unit": "months"
           "id": "WARRANTY_TYPE",
           "name": "Warranty type",
           "value_id": "2230280",
           "value_name": "Seller warranty",
           "value_struct": null,
           "values": [
                   "id": "2230280",
                   "name": "Seller warranty",
                   "struct": null
   "listing_type_id": "gold_pro",
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           "id": "GTIN",
           "name": "Universal product code",
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           "value_name": "8 mm"
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   "catalog_product_id": "CBT10025567",
   "catalog_listing": true


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            "attribute_group_name": "Others"
            "id": "WITH_TOUCHSCREEN_DISPLAY",
            "name": "With touchscreen display",
            "value_id": "242085",
            "value_name": "Yes",
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            "values": [{
                "id": "242085",
                "name": "Yes",
                "struct": null
            "attribute_group_id": "OTHERS",
            "attribute_group_name": "Others"
            "name": "With physical QWERTY keyboard",
            "value_id": "242084",
            "value_name": "No",
            "value_struct": null,
            "values": [{
                "id": "242084",
                "name": "No",
                "struct": null
            "attribute_group_id": "OTHERS",
            "attribute_group_name": "Others"
            "id": "WITH_CAMERA",
            "name": "With camera",
            "value_id": "242085",
            "value_name": "Yes",
            "value_struct": null,
            "values": [{
                "id": "242085",
                "name": "Yes",
                "struct": null
            "attribute_group_id": "OTHERS",
            "attribute_group_name": "Others"
            "id": "REAR_CAMERAS_NUMBER",
            "name": "Rear cameras number",
            "value_id": "7477198",
            "value_name": "1",
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Code Reason Name Message Solution
7714 Product Identifier [GTIN] with values [34567890] corresponds to product [JVC SI24R] (The GTIN entered is from another domain) item.attribute.product_identifier.invalid_by_product_catalog Product Identifier [GTIN] with values [34567890] corresponds to product [JVC SI24R] Enter valid GTIN
147 The attributes [GTIN] are required for category CBT1055 and channel marketplace. Check the attribute is present in the attributes list or in all variation's attributes_combination or attributes. (Missing GTIN attribute in request) item.attributes.missing_required The attributes [GTIN] are required for category CBT1055 and channel marketplace. Check the attribute is present in the attributes list or in all variation's attributes_combination or attributes. Add the GTIN attribute
377 Invalid catalog_product_id: null (Missing the catalog_product_id field) catalog_product_id.invalid Invalid catalog_product_id: null Add the catalog_product_id field
101 invalid property type: [catalog_product_id] expected String but was Integer value: 7979516 (Invalid format of the field body.invalid_field_types invalid property type: [catalog_product_id] expected String but was Integer value: 7979516 Review the value in the field

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