Medicine, substances, and health and/or beauty products

 It is not allowed to list/request

  • Products attributed with prevention, cure or relief of conditions or diseases properties (whether physical, psychological or psychiatric).
  • Medications (including over-the-counter drugs or those that require a prescription).
  • Products used to perform abortions.
  • Sodium chlorite, chlorine dioxide (CDS) or Miracle Mineral Solutions (MMS), in all forms and presentations.
  • Mushrooms or teas that are credited with curing diseases. E.g. kombucha.
  • Substances and / or products with anabolics, steroids or hormones.
  • Botox.
  • Hair straightening products containing formaldehyde.
  • Prescription glasses, contact lenses, and intraocular lens implants.
  • Content* that expressly promotes the examples mentioned above.

*Includes any content through which you offer products or services in different sections of the platform, using listings, clips, ads, account details, messaging channels, questions/answers, opinions, among others.

Content that does not respect our Prohibited products policy or any current legislation will be cancelled. This could lead your partial, temporary or permanent suspension to sell on the website.


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