How do we charge fees at Mercado Libre?

Mercado Libre has 2 types of fees: mandatory and non-mandatory fees. Selling and Shipping fees are mandatory, whilst Old Stock and Pickup fees depend on you.


Selling Fee 

Listing products in Mercado Libre is free. However, you’ll be charged a Selling Fee once an order is placed. This fee varies depending on the country: for Brazil, it’s a specific percentage; whereas for the other marketplaces, it depends on the product category.

Listing Types: Classic and Premium 

We have different listing types, learn more about the characteristics and benefits of each one and continue to plan your sales strategy.  

Below, you will find the description of the Classic and Premium Listing types so you can choose the one that best suits your business, please note that the Classic Listing option is currently available for Brazil and Colombia only.


Additional Per Unit Fee 

For all marketplaces, except Brazil, we charge an Additional Per Unit Fee for every additional low-cost product sold. This fee is charged until you reach the defined threshold for each marketplace. 


International Shipping Fee 

The International Shipping Fee depends on the country you are shipping from and the carrier you choose, please refer to our information about Direct-to-consumer logistics


Local Shipping Fee 

The Local Shipping Cost will only apply if you use our Fullfilment logistics. 


Warehousing Fee 

Each unit stored in the warehouse generates a daily fee based on its size.  As a seller, you can download a complete report on your units and storage fees generated. The service for storing stock at Full has a cost; it will apply to all the units you have in the warehouse according to the time they are stored and charged monthly. Learn more about these fees here.  


Old Stock Fee

Items stored in our fulfillment centers for more than 60 days will generate a per unit monthly fee. This fee depends on product aging and size within its primary packaging. You can avoid them by selling, discarding, or picking them up on time. Learn more about these fees here.  


You can estimate how much you will receive for each sale with our Revenue Calculator.  

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