Selling fee and Additional per unit fee

Listing products in Mercado Libre is free. However, you’ll be charged a Selling Fee once an order is placed. This fee varies depending on the country: for Brazil, it’s a specific percentage; whereas for the other marketplaces, it depends on the product category. *Check Selling fees per category. 

Additionally, for all marketplaces we charge an Additional per unit fee for every additional low-cost product sold. This fee is charged for products priced below the threshold set by country. *Check exempted categories. 

Please note that both the threshold and the value of this fee will be updated soon, along with the upgrade of our free shipping policies. These are the new Additional per unit fee by country, which will be effective as of January 14:

Additional per unit fee by country

Listing Types: Classic and Premium 

We have different listing types, learn more about the characteristics and benefits associated with each one and continue to plan your sales strategy.  

Below, you will find the description of the Classic and Premium Listing types so you can choose the one that best suits your business, please note that Premium Listing option is currently available for Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and Chile. 

Selling fee per country

Classic Listing Type:

- Competitive pricing: Reduce the prices of your products and increase your competitiveness.

- Exposure: High.

- Duration: Unlimited.                     

- Interest-free Installment for your buyers: Not available for this option.


Premium Listing Type:

- Exposure: Maximum.

- Duration: Unlimited.

- Interest-free Installment for your buyers: Offer your products in installments without interest


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