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How to correct Catalog product details

Here we explain the process you have to follow to send corrections and how you can view if the changes were applied to the product.

Through the option “Correct Catalog product details” you can correct or add new useful details for the products. This way, you will be able to guarantee the quality of the Catalog and make sure that your buyers have the correct information to avoid returns.

This information is shared between all the people that sell the same product on Mercado Libre, that is why your corrections will go through a revision process before being applied.

You have three ways to access that option:

  1. From a Catalog listing:

Go to “Listings” and within the three-dotted menu of the list you will find the option “Correct Catalog product details”.

  1. While listing a product: 

Click on the “Sell” option and if the product you want to list is in our Catalog, we will show you its characteristics. From there, you can go to “Correct Catalog product details”.

  1. While you explore the Catalog products: 

The Catalog products is a page where you can check the information from our Catalog, verify the availability of the products that you want to sell and, if necessary, send corrections related to the product details. 

In the search bar of the section “Explore our Catalog products” enter the name, universal code or product code you want to correct. Then go to “Product specification sheet” and click on “Suggest corrections”. 

In the form you can tell us which details we have to change, remove or add.


Before sending your corrections, please note:

  • We will ask for photos or links that prove the veracity of the information that you are suggesting to correct. 
  • Each detail you correct will be marked with a gray icon where you will find the original information that was in the product. 
  • After sending the corrections, you will receive an email in which we will notify the reception of your edits and the status of your corrections. You can also follow up on the corrections from the “Catalog products” list on the left menu of our website.


To learn the status of your corrections:

  • Go to the menu on the left side of the screen and access the “Catalog products” section. 
  • Identify the products with the label “With corrections”.
  • Check the message that appears on the right side of the product.


According to the stage your request is on, you will find different types of messages:

  • Under revision by Mercado Libre: it means that we are verifying your request.
  • Approved: it means that your corrections were already applied to the product. 
  • Rejected: it appears when we went through your corrections and did not approve them. You can go to “View details” to learn the reasons.

How to start selling in the Catalog

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