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Everything you need to know about product´s universal codes

Completing the universal code of your listings is really important. We know it’s not easy sometimes, but with this data we can help you more than what you think.

What is the universal code?

Just like people have an ID number, products have a code to be identified. In most cases, this is a unique number, it is only valid for a single product.

How can I distinguish it?

  • It is usually located next to the bar code, on the product’s box or packaging.
  • It is a 8-14 long number.
  • There are no letters, except if you sell car spare parts.
  • There are different types such as EAN, SBN, PART NUMBER or GTIN.
  • It is not an internal code such as the SKU.
  • It is not the distribution code, as these are not registered.

Do all products have it?

There are many types of products: handcrafted, imported, spare parts… they are all different and each of them may have several codes, just one or none. Follow these suggestions to learn how to complete the universal code in your datasheet:

Why is it important to complete it?

If you don’t enter the universal codes, you will lose all these benefits:


Greater exposure on the lists

It will be easier for our system to identify your products, they will rank higher on the lists and you will get the automatic improvements we implement.


More complete datasheets

We will add more technical details to your listing without you having to complete them.


More accurate shipping costs

We will know the sizes and weight of each product. This will allow us to better estimate shipping costs.


A faster way of listing

We will recognize the product you are listing and you will save time by completing less data on your datasheet.

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