Registration of the person responsible for taking the stock to Full

To reinforce our security measures and speed up the entry of vehicles at Full, the person responsible for taking the stock must be registered in our system, without exception, every time they visit the warehouse.

We recommend that you share the following instructions with your supplier so that he or the driver can complete the registration and enter the warehouse

1. Scan the entry authorization’s QR code to start the registration

The authorization will be available for download once you confirmed an appointment through the Schedule System.

2. Link the new shipments or choose the option "Ya he escaneado todas las autorizaciones".

If you need to take multiple shipments to Full, you must scan the entry authorization for each of them. You can also enter the shipment codes manually. Note that you must complete this step each time you bring stock into the warehouse.

3. Enter your personal information and vehicle’s details

You will have to upload your driver's IFE, first name, last name and phone number. We will also ask you to enter the type of vehicle and its license plate. 

4. Confirm the data entered to generate the entry QR code.

When you confirm the data, the system will generate the QR code which you will have to present at the warehouse to enter. Please note that it will be valid for one time use only.

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