Packing Recommendations

Package condition is an important aspect to consider since it may determine if a buyer will choose to purchase from you again or not. Many sellers are concerned about the integrity of the item upon delivery because they know it’s critical to provide a good experience.

Bearing this in mind, one of the most common inquiries is how to properly pack your products to prevent them from breaking or being crushed.

Check out the following tips to ensure that your products reach your buyers in perfect condition.

Classify your products

Separate in advance all the supplies that you’ll need to wrap and pack: from boxes to tape, having everything at your disposal helps you set a standard when packing your products. Pay close attention to fragile, sharp, or liquid products as they often need special care.

Fragile products

Glass, ceramics, and electronics, among other products, are more delicate and can be damaged during transportation. That's why it's important to wrap them in bubble wrap and fill any gaps in the box with paper balls, air bags, or Styrofoam to minimize impact and preserve the item.

Don't forget to always stick a label on the outside of the package indicating that the content is fragile. That way, carriers will handle it with extra care.

Sharp objects

Some items have thin ends or sharp edges that can damage the package from the inside out. To transport them safely, you should protect the ends with bubble wrap or paper, reinforcing the sharpest or most delicate parts.

Doing so will prevent the package from breaking, which can affect the integrity of the product and the health of the person who transports it.

Round or cylindrical objects

Only pack these products in square or rectangular boxes and fill the empty spaces with paper or polystyrene foam. Don’t use round boxes, plastic bags, or tubes.


A very important issue nowadays. Consider the impact on the environment when choosing the materials to pack your products. Go for recyclable and biodegradable materials and watch for the dimensions of the package, try and make the packaging proportional to the product's size.


The final part of the process! The label has all the relevant information to ensure the package reaches its destination on time. Remember to always print the label the exact way you download it, do not modify it in any way! In addition, make sure to paste it correctly in the package so it doesn't have any problems in the courier's sorter.

Keep in mind…

If the product breaks or arrives damaged, your buyers may not be satisfied with the purchase and they rate you negatively.

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