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How to prepare and identify your products to be sent to Full

Learn how to prepare and identify your products so that they can be put on sale and remain well protected in the warehouse.

Package your products according to their nature

For your products to be protected during transportation and storage, they must have a primary packaging that covers them completely and allows the reading of the product information. This way, we will be able to put them on sale.

If your products do not have proper factory packaging, you should store each unit in a closed bag or box or wrap them in transparent paper without obstructing the reading of the product information.

Identify your products with their universal code or with the Mercado Libre label

In order to recognize and enter your products, they must be identified with their universal code or with the Mercado Libre product label.

Universal codes: Fill in the codes in the product preparation and identification step making sure they match the ones you completed in the listing.

Product labels: In the preparation and identification step, we will give you the labels you need to attach to your products for identification.

Make sure to leave the codes visible.

  • The physical universal product code must be visible for us to scan.
  • The product label must be on the outside of the primary packaging so that we can scan it. Be sure to stick it in a visible place without covering the product information.

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