Documentation you have to bring to the warehouse

The person who takes your products to the warehouse will be the only one authorized to enter and must meet a few requirements:

Hand in the required documentation to enter the warehouse

Documentation required to enter the warehouse in Mexico.

  • IFE/INE or Driver's License.

  • Entry authorization (your logistics supplier will get this document when they confirm an appointment in the Inbound Shipment Scheduler.)

  • Driver’s registration completed. The entry authorization will have a QR that the driver will have to use to register himself and the Shipments to be delivered.
  • Certificate of the last fumigation of the unit, corresponding to cargo transport.

Documentation required to enter the warehouse in Chile

  • Two copies of the entry authorization (You can download it when you finish preparing the shipment. It will not be requested if you or your supplier use a local postal service in Chile to make the final transport to the warehouse).

  • Driver’s registration completed. The entry authorization will have a QR that the driver will have to use to register himself and the Shipments to be delivered.
  • ID card.

  • Driver's license.

Comply with the security guidelines for entering the warehouse

  • Wear safety shoes, fireproof vest, and safety helmet.

Pay attention to these requirements to prevent us from rejecting your products upon arrival at the warehouse.

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