How do I pick up or discard my products from Full?

Make sure you add or update yur local address in the selling preferences section.

If you have products that are not up for sale, not selling as expected, or generating old stock fees, or in case you want them back in your address, you can pick them up from Full using the "Pick up or discard products" option, under "Stock management Full".

Note you have two ways of picking up your stock: Local delivery or Stock discard. 


Pickup with local delivery at your registered address

You will receive the products at the delivery address you choose. This way you will be able to sell your stock using other channels or means. 

1. Choose how many units of each product you are going to withdraw

Fill in how many units that are suitable for sale you want to pick up. Whenever you pick up stock units, those not suitable for selling will also be included, to optimize room in the warehouse.

2. Decide at which address you want your products delivered to

After filling in the units you want to be picked up, you will be able to choose the address you want them delivered, and you will get the estimated delivery date.

3. Confirm your stock withdrawal

Before confirming the pickup, you will be able to check its cost. Keep in mind that the greater the pickup volume, the cheaper the cubic meter cost you will have to pay.

Check costs for picking up stock with local delivery in Mexico

Once the products have been dispatched, you will be able to track them in the pickup detail, which can be accessed through the List of created pickups.


Stock discard

We will be in charge of the stock which you no longer want to keep or receive. You will not be able to recover such stock as we may donate it to non-profits, recycle it or destroy it, depending on its state. 

1. Choose how many units of each product you want to discard

Fill in how many units that are suitable for sale you want to discard. The units not suitable for sale will also be included, to optimize room in the warehouse.

2. Confirm the discard of your stock

The discard service incurs an operative cost for preparing your products and making them ready for discard. You will be able to verify the cost before confirming it.

Check costs for discarding stock

Once you confirm the discard, the selected units will go off sale and will no longer incur Old stock fees. We will begin to prepare your products for discarding them from the warehouse, therefore, you will not be able to cancel the discard after confirming.

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